07 Jun Go Green with Offitek
Environment sustainability has been a buzzword for a number of years. In schools, students are taught to Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. In public spaces, there are bins that encourage people to separate their refuse into different types of recyclables; and the Earth Hour – a global movement to encourage people to turn off their lights for an hour is in its 13th year running. So exactly, what is environment sustainability?
To sustain in essence is to ensure the capacity to continue living on this planet and everyone has a part to play.
On a personal level, we can examine our habits for example, do we use paper on both sides before recycling it; or do we turn off the fans and lights when we exit the room. On a corporate level, as businesses, we can seek to ensure that materials for our products are from a sustainable source and the manufacturing process does not impact the environment adversely.
At Offitek, we do our part for the environment by offering our clients environment-friendly choices. For example, our office chairs and reception chairs are subjected to rigorous testing and had achieved the Greenguard and BIFMA certification. Our full panel workstations are also Greenguard certified. In this way, not only do we realise the goal of creating a conducive and healthy work space for our client, we also achieve the larger aim of protecting the environment.
So while shopping with us for your envisioned workspace, look out for products with these logos:
And let us work together in ensuring environment sustainability!